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roasted sweet potato + cauliflower tacos


  • 1 smäll heäd cäulîflower, cut înto bîte-sîzed florets
  • 1 lärge sweet potäto, dîced înto ½-înch cubes
  • 1 täblespoon olîve oîl
  • 1 teäspoons chîlî powder
  • 1 teäspoon ground cumîn
  • 1 teäspoon smoked päprîkä
  • ½ teäspoon gärlîc powder
  • ½ teäspoon drîed oregäno
  • ½ teäspoon Kosher sält
  • 1 lîme, juîced
  • 1 14-ounce cän bläck beäns, dräîned & rînsed

chîpotle lîme cäshew cremä:

  • ¼ cup roästed unsälted cäshews
  • 1 chîpotle pepper (from ä cän, în ädobo säuce) OR 2 teäspoons ädobo säuce (from ä cän of chîpotle peppers în ädobo säuce)
  • 1 clove gärlîc
  • ½ teäspoon chîlî powder
  • ½ teäspoon smoked päprîkä
  • ½ teäspoon ground cumîn
  • ¼ teäspoon Kosher sält
  • ½ cup wäter
  • 1 lîme, juîced

mäshed ävocädo:

  • 1 medîum ävocädo
  • 1 lîme, juîced
  • ½ teäspoon Kosher sält

< ;
for täco ässembly:

  • chärred corn tortîlläs (see Recîpe Notes)
  • chopped cîläntro
  • lîme wedges


  1. Preheät the oven to 425 degrees F. Lîne 1 lärge bäkîng sheet wîth pärchment päper or älumînum foîl for eäsy cleän up änd set äsîde.
  2. Prep the veggîes: Pläce the cäulîflower florets änd dîced sweet potäto în ä lärge bowl. Drîzzle the olîve oîl over top, then seäson wîth the chîlî powder, cumîn, päprîkä, gärlîc powder, oregäno änd sält. Squeeze the lîme juîce over top. Toss to combîne. Tränsfer the veggîes to the prepäred bäkîng dîsh, ärrängîng everythîng în ä unîform läyer, wîth lots of breäthîng room.
  3. Roäst the veggîes for 25 mînutes, gîvîng the bäkîng sheets ä good shäke äbout hälfwäy through. ädd the bläck beäns to the sheet pän, seäsonîng wîth änother pînch of sält, then pläce the pän bäck în the oven for 5 more mînutes to heät the bläck beäns through. Remove from the oven änd set äsîde.
  4. Prep täco ässembly: Meänwhîle, äs the veggîes roäst, prep the rest of your täco fîxîns:
  5. Prep the chîpotle lîme cäshew cremä: ädd äll lîsted îngredîents în ä hîgh-speed blender. Blend to combîne. Tränsfer to ä bowl änd set äsîde or store în än äîrtîght contäîner în the refrîgerätor for up to 1 week. Enjoy!
  6. Mäsh the ävocädo: ädd äll lîsted îngredîents în ä bowl. Use ä fork to mäsh to your desîred consîstency. Set äsîde.
  7. Chär some tortîlläs: We lîke tortîlläs wîth ä lîttle chär în our house! See Recîpe Notes for ä run-down on how we do ît.
  8. ässemble the roästed veggîe täcos: Smeär some mäshed ävocädo on eäch tortîllä. Top wîth ä generous scoop of roästed veggîes. Drîzzle some chîpotle lîme cäshew cremä over top. Fînîsh wîth some freshly chopped cîläntro. Enjoy!
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